This is to alert you to two developments that occurred late yesterday with respect to CREATE-21 and the Research Title of the Farm Bill. At one may even contact the main economics essay writer to check on the order's progress and important details.


1. House Bill Introduced – H.R. 2398

Rep. John Barrow has introduced a revised version of the CREATE-21 legislation. H.R. 2398 drops ARS, ERS, and Forest Service R&D from the USDA reorganization but retains the other key elements of CREATE-21. The bill also includes NASULGC’s other Farm Bill proposals.  NOTE: The House Agriculture Committee has indicated no interest in agency mergers as initially proposed in CREATE-21. Therefore we strongly encourage the land-grant system’s support of H. R. 2398. 


Barrow, a member of the House Agriculture Committee was joined by two other members of that panel – Reps. David Scott (D-GA) and Zack Space (D-OH) – and Rep. Sanford Bishop, Jr. as original cosponsors. It is critical that we throw the entire weight of the land-grant system behind securing additional cosponsors to H.R. 2398 this week!


H.R. 2398 >>

Summary >>


ACTION ITEM: Contact your House members and ask them to cosponsor H.R. 2398! Agriculture Committee members are particularly important!


2. Subcommittee “Discussion Draft” Unveiled

The other major development yesterday was the release by the House Agriculture Subcommittee on Conservation, Credit, Energy, and Research of draft of language for the Research Title of the Farm Bill. The draft was reviewed by the Cornerstone team and we have provided extensive comments back to staff. This discussion draft could likely change before the subcommittee markup (expected today and tomorrow) and will also be subject to significant discussion and possible further revision in the two to three weeks between the subcommittee and full committee markups.



Discussion Draft >>

Summary >>

Comments >>

As you can see, some of the key elements of CREATE-21 have been included in the discussion draft while others have not. However, this is only the starting point in the legislative process and with your continued assistance, further improvements are possible.


The best way for you to influence this process in the immediate future is to encourage House members to cosponsor H.R. 2398. The more support we build for H.R. 2398, the more leverage we gain within the Agriculture Committee to include more of the specifics of CREATE-21, and the many related provisions, in the final Farm Bill product. 


Again, it is important to note that the subcommittee and full committee chairmen and staff have released the discussion draft as a starting point and they fully expect and intend to further refine and add to the legislation before and/or during the subcommittee and full committee markups.


BUT, we need your immediate assistance. Call you representatives and ask them to cosponsor H.R. 2398. 


Thank you for your support and assistance.

The CREATE-21 Co-Chairs:
Jeffrey D. Armstrong
Robert D. Steele    
L. Washington Lyons