The Proposal

Executive Summary

1. Situational Analysis

2. Outline of Proposal

3. Origins of Proposal

4. USDA Integration

5. Case for Integration

6. Enhanced Funding

7. Case for Funding

8. CREATE-21 and NIFA

Related Materials

Supporting Documents

Values and Principles


Results of BAA Vote



Overview. Currently (F.Y. 2006), USDA research, extension, education, and international programs receive ≈$2.676 billion per year in funding (ARS = $1.124 billion (excluding facilities); CSREES = $1.199 billion; ERS = $75 million; Forest Service R&D = $277 million). The CREATE-21 proposal would consolidate ARS, CSREES, USFS-R&D (and perhaps ERS) into a new National Institute and double funding within seven years from ≈$2.676 billion/year to $5.352 billion/year. The growth will come mostly in competitive programs (70%). However, capacity programs—both for internal (intramural) USDA laboratories/facilities and land-grant and related universities—would also receive substantial increases (30% of the total).

Competitive Funding. Competitive funding (authorization) will reach $2.126 billion/year over seven years, with full indirect cost recovery. NIFA-like (fundamental) research will constitute 55% of total, rising eventually to $1.169 billion/year, with 20% reserved for 1890s, 1994s, Insular land-grants, and Small 1862 land-grants. Integrated (IFAFS-like) programs will constitute the remaining 45%, rising eventually to $957 million/year with 20% also set-aside for 1890s, 1994s, Insulars, and Small 1862 land-grants.

Capacity Funding. Capacity funding (authorization) will reach $2.937 billion/year over seven years. With respect to new capacity funds, 77.5% will be distributed by the same percentage breakdown as currently occurs among the various current funding recipients (see legislative outline). The remaining new funds would be distributed: 17.5% for institutional enhancement at the 1890s, 1994s, Insulars, Small 1862s, and AASCARR institutions; and 5% retained in a "Director's Enhancement Fund."

A More Balanced Portfolio. If the CREATE-21 proposal is enacted and fully funded, at the end of seven years the capacity/competitive ratio — considering both existing funds (≈$2.676 Billion) and new funds (≈$2.676 Billion) — would be 42% competitive to 58% capacity. This will be a significant change from the current situation where some 90% of funding is spent on capacity items, vs. 10% on competitive programs.

>> Next: Values and Principles


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